VÍDEO: Após 11 dias, tutora reencontra cão perdido com ajuda das redes sociais em cidade a mais de 30 km de distância

“Xu” se perdeu em Poços de Caldas e foi encontrado em Botelhos (MG). Reencontro tem emocionado moradores da região. Mulher de Poços de Caldas reencontra cachorro em Botelhos após 11 dias desaparecido O reencontro de uma moradora de Poços de Caldas (MG) com seu cão tem emocionado e ganhado repercussão… Continue lendo

Justiça recusa pedido da Prefeitura de Natal para que Dnit remova canteiro de obras da Ponte de Igapó

Obra começou em setembro de 2023 e causou interdição de metade da ponte. Prefeitura sugeriu mudança de canteiro em área de preservação ambiental. Ponte de Igapó, interditada durante obra de recuperação Vinícius Marinho/Inter TV Cabugi A Justiça Federal do Rio Grande do Norte negou um pedido feito pela Prefeitura de… Continue lendo

Mulher é presa por torturar adolescente de 12 anos com queimaduras e socos em Manaus

Crime aconteceu entre a noite de terça-feira (29) e a madrugada de quarta-feira (30), após suspeita acusar jovem de ter furtado R$ 12 mil. Caso foi registrado na DEPCA Divulgação/PC-AM Uma mulher de 35 anos foi presa por torturar uma adolescente de 12 anos com queimaduras e socos, em Manaus…. Continue lendo

Wordfence Intelligence Weekly WordPress Vulnerability Report (October 21, 2024 to October 27, 2024)

Calling all superheroes and haunters! Introducing the Cybersecurity Month Spooktacular Haunt and the WordPress Superhero Challenge for the Wordfence Bug Bounty Program! Through November 11th, 2024: All in-scope vulnerability types for WordPress plugins/themes with >= 1,000 active installations are in-scope for ALL researchers Top-tier researchers earn automatic bonuses of between… Continue lendo

10,000 WordPress Sites Affected by Arbitrary File Upload Vulnerability in AI Power: Complete AI Pack WordPress Plugin

🦸 👻 Calling all superheroes and haunters! Introducing the Cybersecurity Month Spooktacular Haunt and the WordPress Superhero Challenge for the Wordfence Bug Bounty Program! Through November 11th, 2024: All in-scope vulnerability types for WordPress plugins/themes with >= 1,000 active installations are in-scope for ALL researchers Top-tier researchers earn automatic bonuses… Continue lendo

Wordfence Intelligence Weekly WordPress Vulnerability Report (October 14, 2024 to October 20, 2024)

Calling all superheroes and haunters! Introducing the Cybersecurity Month Spooktacular Haunt and the WordPress Superhero Challenge for the Wordfence Bug Bounty Program! Through November 11th, 2024: All in-scope vulnerability types for WordPress plugins/themes with >= 1,000 active installations are in-scope for ALL researchers Top-tier researchers earn automatic bonuses of between… Continue lendo

Wordfence Intelligence Weekly WordPress Vulnerability Report (October 7, 2024 to October 13, 2024)

Calling all superheroes and haunters! Introducing the Cybersecurity Month Spooktacular Haunt and the WordPress Superhero Challenge for the Wordfence Bug Bounty Program! Through November 11th, 2024: All in-scope vulnerability types for WordPress plugins/themes with >= 1,000 active installations are in-scope for ALL researchers Top-tier researchers earn automatic bonuses of between… Continue lendo

Wordfence Intelligence Weekly WordPress Vulnerability Report (September 30, 2024 to October 6, 2024)

Calling all superheroes and haunters! Introducing the Cybersecurity Month Spooktacular Haunt and the WordPress Superhero Challenge for the Wordfence Bug Bounty Program! Through November 11th, 2024: All in-scope vulnerability types for WordPress plugins/themes with >= 1,000 active installations are in-scope for ALL researchers Top-tier researchers earn automatic bonuses of between… Continue lendo

Get Spooked By Huge Scope and Rewards in the Wordfence Bug Bounty Cybersecurity Month Spooktacular Haunt!

Calling all vulnerability researchers! Get ready to immerse yourselves in the world of WordPress security with the Wordfence Cybersecurity Month Spooktacular Haunt, running from now through November 11th, 2024! What’s Happening During This Cybersecurity Month Spooktacular Haunt? In celebration of Cybersecurity Awareness Month and the ‘Secure Our World‘ theme for… Continue lendo

7,000 WordPress Sites Affected by Unauthenticated Critical Vulnerabilities in LatePoint WordPress Plugin

🦸 👻 Calling all superheroes and haunters! Introducing the Cybersecurity Month Spooktacular Haunt and the WordPress Superhero Challenge for the Wordfence Bug Bounty Program! Through November 11th, 2024: All in-scope vulnerability types for WordPress plugins/themes with >= 1,000 active installations are in-scope for ALL researchers Top-tier researchers earn automatic bonuses… Continue lendo